Why do cats purr? Purring is usually associated with some kind of enjoyable activity,such as nursing, being pet, grooming a fellow cat, or just being in a comfortable environment. Still, cats also purr when they’re sick, injured, or stressed. Purring serves as a method of communication, too, such as from a kitten to its mother or when they’re hungry, often combined with a meow.
How long do cats live? Generally, outdoor cats live for 2 – 5 years,while indoor cats live an average of 15 years. This is since outdoor cats are exposed to many more dangers than indoor cats, including getting hit by vehicles, encounters with other wild animals, ingesting a poison, food availability, and various diseases and parasites. Other factors that tend to affect their lifespan are preventative care, nutrition, and lifestyle. For example, being overweight or obese can shorten their lifespan by over two years!
Why do cats sleep so much? Cats sleep up to 16 hours per day in short increments that alternate between dozing and deep sleep. They sleep so much because they are predators that use a lot of energy in small bursts when they hunt. They’re also nocturnal, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk, so you’re more likely to see them sleeping throughout the day.
Why do cats hate water? Many cats hate water for a couple of reasons. First, most cats have small experiences with water. Also, they evolved in desert climates, so they’ve never been very familiar with water. Their fur also isn’t designed to repel water so it becomes uncomfortable if it gets too wet. Not all cats hate water, though. There are certain breeds of cats that love water, such as Abyssinians, Turkish Vans, Bengals, and Maine Coons.